Choose Your Slate Roof: Natural or Synthetic?

Do you remember that in childhood we wrote down alphabets on a piece of slate and then wiped it out with a damp cloth and wrote again? Drawing on the slate using chalks was a really funny thing to do!

Slate has various applications because of its effectiveness and durability. In most cases, slate is used as a roofing material and many house owners prefer to use slate on their roof.

There is no doubt that it provides aesthetic beauty to the house and also protects us for decades against natural phenomena. But thanks to modern technology, the experts have also invented synthetic slate.

If you decide to install slate roofing on your house, then read this article to know the basics about natural and synthetic slates. After that, consider hiring an experienced roofing contractor to install a specific roofing material according to your taste.

What is a Slate Roof?

In general, slate roofs are made of natural slate. It is one of the most popular roofing systems in the market on account of its longevity. After mining the slate, the experts cut it into square tiles and then install it on the roof one at a time.

What is a Synthetic Slate Roof?

On the other hand, synthetic slate roofs are made out of recycled elements like rubber and plastic materials. Many manufacturers also use cellulose fibers and mineral dust along with other materials. The experts design it in such a way that it looks exactly like a slate roof. After making the tiles, the specialists apply chisel marks to provide a hand-crafted touch. Either way, there are various differences between natural and synthetic slate.

Which One Should I Choose?

1. Let's Check the Lifespan

As we know that natural slate roofing can last for more than 100 years! Not only us but also our next generation can take shelter under this roof without any hesitation. But when it comes to synthetic slate roofing, there is no certain guarantee about its longevity.

2. Weight of the Roofing Material Can Make a Difference

The weight of natural slate roofing may remain between 5.5 lbs per square to 11 lbs per square. For instance, a house with 2,000 to 3,000 square roofs has to carry approx. 20,000 to 30,000 lbs of slate roofing which is worrisome.

On the other hand, the weight of synthetic tile can be 1.25 lbs per square. As this material is not heavy at all, therefore, you don’t need to install any special reinforcement on your roof.

Got No Clue Where to Start? Hire an Expert

Still, confused about which one to choose for your house? You can contact us anytime at Elliott Roofing to get suitable suggestions in Tulsa. Our expert roofing contractor will evaluate your house, location and other factors and then will tell you which can be more beneficial for your house.