Fixing Water Pondering on Flat Roof

Flat roofs collect water when it rains by their very nature. Your roof is however can be threatened by a lot of ponding. Your warranty may also be annulled. So you'll have to fix your flat roof to collect water, which will not evaporate or drain within 48 hours. It depends on the cause of the ponding how to attach ponding on a flat roof. The problem may be the slope or drainage of the roof. Regardless of the reason, you cannot afford it, or you are in danger of serious roof damage. If you also have a flat roof that suffer from water ponding frequently, contact a roofing company such as Elliot Roofing to fix it as soon as possible.

Ponding Water on Flat Roof- What Happens If You Ignore?

Does ponding water problem affect your roof? During heavy precipitation periods, every flat roof collects water. For example, if you have water clogging on your roof following heavy rain, but the water went away in a few days, your roof is okay. When the water sticks around, the problem is. If, after 48 hours of dry weather, you still have water of an inch or more, the water lagoon requires attention.

Fix the Drainage

The first place to look at the water system when it pools on your roof. The drainage is going to be the issue if you are fortunate, as it is the easiest thing to correct. Start with the search for connected drains. Such a simple thing as a closed drain can often result in serious pooling on the flat roof. The problem will be solved by unlocking the drain.

The next place you can look at canals or drainage channels. Just as a drain, water will not flow and will inevitably collect on your roof when a gutter or drainage channel is stopped. This can be easily fixed if this is the only problem with the roof. You're in good form. You're in good form.

But what if the drains and rinses look like they function right, but water remains on the roof? A further drainage solution still exists. The part of the roof that collects water can be drained from a new drainage channel. Only an experienced roofing contractor should do this.

Low Spot Repairing

You have another option if drainage does not seem to be the problem. If water pools in a given area then it is always less than the area around. Water is always flowing down to the lowest point. Actually, each flat roof is slightly lit. The roof slope is only enough to bring water into the drain or canal. But if there is another part of your roof or a lower place, the water collects there before it reaches the drain.

A few options are available to fix a low spot. Usually a professional roofing company with some plaster on the roof can fix a bass spot. The roofer fills the low zone and lends it a path that matches the existing roof slope.

Complete a Low Spot

You can try filling the spot yourself if you prefer a DIY approach and are somewhat handy. The rolling asphalt roofing layers are one way to use this. The fundamental theory is that the depression is filled by layers of rolled-up asphalt roofing.

You have to make sure the puddle is completely dry in order to do this. To remove humidity, use rags or towels. Start by cutting out an asphalt roof in 12-inch circle. Place a thin layer of cement on the base of the asphalted roofing to ensure it reaches the edges. In the center of the depression, place the asphalt roofing and press it firmly. Then remove a 16-inch circle and install it in the same way. Asphalt roofing. Cut additional circles and add 4 inches each time. Put a circle of 20 inches, a circle of 24, etc. Install in all ten layers.

Cut two nylon pieces bigger than the last cycles after the asphalt roofing layers. Place each nylon layer with cement on top of each other. Finish it with a thick rubberized or elastomeric layer by painting the entire area extend multiple feet in all direction over the patch.

Contact our Tulsa roofing company named Elliot Roofing in OK to get rid of this ponding water issue once and for all.