Roof Leak – A Source of Major Roof Problems

We all know that mold growth on our ceiling is an indication of roof issues and you would certainly call roof repair contractors upon finding the same in your house. Since water issues from roof leaks and mold worsen with time, waiting for repair could be costly for you.

Roof Leak Brings in Mold Growth

Water condensation is one of the major sources of attic mold growth. If it spreads to the ceiling, the best solution is hiring experts for residential roof repair. When water gets in somewhere, where it does not belong from, it becomes tough to drag it out of that place. Like water intrusion makes an attic damp, it is tough to keep water out and it becomes a good mold breeding space.

The common signs of mold growth on ceiling -

  • Brown or yellow stains

  • Mold growth in circular patterns

Mold on the Ceiling

With the right conditions provided, mold growth can turn to severe. You can clean mold from the ceiling but it does not resolve the underlying problems i.e. roof leak. The roof leaks only turn worse with time, you must fix the problem as soon as possible. Mold growth can lead to health concerns. You may get following symptoms like -

  • A dry cough

  • Sore throat

  • Blocked or runny nose

  • Chest tightness

  • Watery, itchy or red eyes

  • Sinusitis

  • Dry skin or skin rash

  • Wheezing

Mistakes of Roof Maintenance to Cause Roof Leaks

If you believe there is roof leak, you can make some roof maintenance mistakes. Initially you may want to check the roofing materials. If there are shingles on the roof, do they look old or deteriorated? Aged and worn out shingles have less capacity for home insulation and to keep water out.

Replacing the entire shingles will resolve everything. The entire roof might not have bad shingles, it could be a few spots and you can go for shingle repair. New shingles can perform poorly if they are placed atop the old shingles. Layering up new shingles to cover old ones can cause major problems like roof leak, mold growth or other issues.

For fixing the said problem, you must contact professionals for roof repair. They will completely strip off old shingles and install new. If the shingle is not the reason for leaks, moisture protection can be the reason. The last work on moisture protection on the roof could be of low quality. Upgrade the moisture protection to a high quality one for further leak prevention.

It could be something related to ventilation. If the house does not have right ventilation, it will trap heat and moisture causing mold growth.

Lastly, it could be the wrong nail locations that can affect the integrity of the roof. If there are nails in the wrong areas, they will corrode and cause holes leading to water intrusion.

See us today at Elliott Roofing in OKC for roof repair and maintenance. You cannot gamble with the roofing condition since it has a major impact on the house.