Roof Maintenance – How Does It Help in Roof Health?

It is not new to say that regular maintenance adds to the betterment and long life to any house and buildings. The same is applicable for roofs. The roofs of the residential and commercial houses owe you maintenance. The roofs are the most exposed part of a building and daily weather are supposed to create wear and tear on the roof. The best way of roof preservation is protecting it with the preventive measures. Here are the basics of maintaining a roof.


Inspections are not to miss for ensuring a roof is not susceptible to the threatening elements. A professional roofing contractor always can assessthe condition the best and can find if there is any loophole. Regular maintenance will eradicate the chances of missing the problems when they appear first. Generally, inspections are done twice a year, in fall and spring.

Reflective Coating

When you are running a business, you should add tentative roof repair budget in your yearly cost. Else, you can ask the contractors for a reflective coat application and can save a lot of money on energy bills. For the residential buildings, the owners can save cash by applying reflective coat for preventing daily effects of weather elements.

Basic Repairs

If you neglect regular maintenance the repair cost can take a toll on you later. The maintenance costs are always less than a huge repair. Lack of maintenance can make the existing problems bigger and worse. If you get the slightest hint of missing or broken shingles, work on it immediately. The same goes with eave leaks. Once you do not do so, it will exacerbate the roofing issues and make more damage. Maintenance is for protecting your investment that is your home.


Increased Repair Costs

Finding the roof problems early will save money as they are typically small at that point. Repairing small leaks, preventing loose shingles, maintaining the isolated damage will take very less effort and minimum cost. However, if not taken care of, the problems will turn bigger and increase potential costs.

Decreased Property Value

More damage on the roof means less value of the home. If you are selling the house, roofing problems are a turn off for the potential buyers or you may have to negotiate with the selling value. The roofing problems like shingles missing, broken, gutters broken, algae, mold or mildew growth and other visible problems make a roof less desirable.

Energy Inefficiencies

Regular roof maintenance help maintain the energy efficiency. The reflective coating makes sure the energy bill does not spike in different seasons. If there is a sudden rise in energy consumption, inspect your roof. For your roof inspection, roof maintenance and roof repair, we Elliot Roofing is always at your service.