Roof Repairs Vs. Roof Replacements: What Does Your Property Need?

What with Oklahoma’s ridiculously temperamental weather, we all know how important it is to take care of your roof. Every time a storm rattles the shingles, you should inspect it for signs of damage. But how does one tell if your roof is doing mostly fine and can be salvaged with a few roof repairs or if the years have finally caught up to it and it’s time to scrap it in favor of an entirely new roof.

When Does Your Roof Need Repair?

  • Repairs are a cost-effective way to take care of your roofing issues. Roofs that are well within their service limit mostly fall in this category. Repairs are also sustainable, scraping off your roof for a few localized issues would be like selling your car after only 2 years for a bad tire.

  • If your roof is less than 15 years old and suffers from localized leaks, it most likely falls under the repair category. Do make sure that you hire a roof repair professional to check the leak out lest it spread through the ceiling and spread into the chimney, upper walls, etc.

  • Missing shingles are another issue that simple roof repairs can easily take care of. As long as the roof is no more than 15 years old and you are good. Any rogue shingles that come off or suffer damage at the hands of an inclement storm, can be replaced with relative ease. There should be no leaks underneath the shingle. Examine the area closely for signs of tear in the underlayment or decking.

When Does Your Roof Need Replacement?

  • Roof replacements are necessary when a roof has already lived a majority of its life. When it begins sagging under its own weight, leaking from multiple tears, and just generally showing signs of extensive heavy wear, it is a sign to bid adieu to your old roof and invest in a new one.

  • Sagging roofs indicate that the moisture trapped underneath has eaten away the boards from below the roof. Thoroughly inspect the surface of the roof, especially the low points for rotting wood, dips in the plane, and pooling moisture. An easy way to identify sagging is to find a good angle at a distance, preferably across the street, and look closely at the edges. Ideally, the lines should be straight, if you notice dipping and sagging, chances are the roof needs replacing.

  • Oklahoma does get pretty warm in summers. Property owners pay a considerable chunk in cooling bills. If your cooling bills have suddenly gone through the roof and no amount of sustainable living seems to get them back down, there is a mighty possibility that your roof is the culprit.

  • Lighter-colored shingles with high reflectivity are the best match for the midwestern sun. Some properties, especially commercial roofing, also install solar panels on their roof to limit the usage of non-renewable energy. When you install your new roof, make sure you pay extra attention to the fact that no leaks creep into the roofing system.

Roofers With a Responsibility

Elliott Roofing has had the honor of protecting properties in and out of Oklahoma since 1981. Our services comprise roof repair and replacement for both residential and commercial properties. Visit our website for a free estimate. To reach out to us call us at 405-789-4646 (Oklahoma City) or 918-524-4646 (Tulsa).