Some Interesting Facts about Tear-off Roof

When it comes to installing a new roofing system on your home, there are a plethora of factors to consider before the installation process can begin.

One decision that will have an impact on the performance and longevity of your roof is whether you could be tearing off your old roof repair and installing a new one, or whether you will be installing an overlay on your existing roof. Ask the experts of roofing contractors to understand in a vivid way.

Because new roofing materials have not yet been exposed to the elements, tearing off your old roofing materials and replacing them with brand new materials provides your home with the best protection possible.

Installing new roofing materials on top of your existing shingles, on the other hand, will shorten the lifespan of the new materials that you have just installed. It also makes it difficult for the expert of your roofing company to properly inspect the condition of your roof deck.

There are a variety of reasons why tearing off your old roofing system and installing a new one is preferable to applying an overlay to your existing roof. Here are a few of them.

Following are several arguments in favor of tearing off your old roofing before installing a new one:

Inspection of the Roof Deck

During the removal of your old roofing materials, your roofer will be able to assess the condition of your roof deck and look for any flaws or damage.

By overlaying your roof, you will merely be adding a layer of roofing materials on top of the existing roof, and you will have no way of knowing how well your roof deck is performing as a result.

If the condition of your roof deck has deteriorated to the point where it is causing damage to the interior of your home, you will need to lift your new roofing materials in order to repair it or replace it.

Increased Lifespan

Installing new shingles after a roof tear-off process will always outlast an overlay roofing system, which is a common practice.

The accumulation of several layers of shingles will result in the entrapment of excess heat beneath them. As a result of the constant presence of heat, your shingles will curl and eventually break. Go for a routine inspection by hiring a trustworthy roofing contractor.

Additionally, this heat will trap any cold air that is attempting to escape from your attic, raising the temperature inside your home. Once overlays have been completed, they cannot be repaired anymore.

Re-roofing only a single time is the only solution to overlaying your roof. Additional layers will add extra weight and strain to structures in your home, while the overlaid materials provide less protection.

To save money in the long run, it is best to begin with a brand new roof, as overlaid materials will have a much shorter lifespan.

Give Elliot Roofing a call if you need more information about the tear-off process. Our roofing company will help you throughout the process.  You can also visit our office at Tulsa, OK.