The Unusual Reasons to damage Your Roof

Roof repairs are something that every property will require at some point. As shingles age, they curl and split. Winds cause tiles to shift. Temperature changes force underlayment to alter. There are several things you can do to delay the need for repairs, but no assurances can be made. These situations could not have been predicted by the following property owners. Here are some of the most bizarre scenarios that necessitated roof repair.


Bats appear to be harmless, and they aren't seen very often. Bats are important because they eat insects and vermin, so having them around is a good thing. Bats rarely cause damage to your home's exterior, but their droppings might cause serious difficulties. Bats become a threat when they make themselves at home in your gutters and on your roof. Their urine will leak through your home's insulation and soak through sheetrock over time.


Raccoons are one of the most dangerous animals to have on your roof. Raccoons are notorious for digging up and destroying rooftops. Their biting, scratching, tearing, and chewing habits put your home's safety and structure at risk. The urine and excrement left behind by raccoons can readily seep into your home's insulation and siding. This will quickly become an expensive task, lowering the value of your home.

Water Injuries

Freezing rain can cause significant damage to your roof. This is especially problematic if ice forms in your gutter, preventing water from adequately draining from your roof. If your area has severe rain, the stored water can sneak under your shingles and inside your home, causing extensive water damage. Even a few inches of water can cause substantial interior property damage by interfering with electrical wiring and allowing mildew to grow. Water damage can occur on both sloping and flat roofs. Make surethe roof is properly vented to avoid water from being trapped. If there are any little holes or leaks, patch them right away to prevent water from getting in.

Damage Caused by Snow

This is especially dangerous if your roof is flat or constructed such that snow cannot easily slide down the sides. Snow may melt rapidly due to the heat emitted by your home, but if there is more snow on your roof than your gutters can handle, it may enter via fractures in your roof. If your roof is ancient, severe snowfall can cause structural damage or even collapse. Melting snow can soak through and reveal potentially disastrous leaks if you have missing or damaged shingles, or inadequate sealing around your chimney, flashing, or skylights. After a very heavy snowfall, you may want to use a roof rake to sweep the snow off your roof to avoid damage.

See us here at Elliott Roofing for the best roofers in the Oklahoma City.