What Are the Threats of Ignoring Commercial Roof Leaks?

A leaky commercial roof can spell disaster for your business. Don't DIY, but always trust the expertise of the professionals! Your roof is essential for tenant satisfaction, and ignoring leaks can lead to costly damage. Whether it's retail, residential, or office space, a well-maintained roof is vital. Let's learn about common commercial roofing issues and how to address them with professional commercial roofing in OKC.

Troubles of Roof Leaks to be Rectified with Commercial Roofing

Fungus & Rotten Troubles

  • Water accumulating on commercial roofs creates a perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew. These fungi thrive in a moist environment, rapidly multiplying and releasing spores into the air. When inhaled, these spores can become airborne and pose significant health risks to occupants, triggering allergies, respiratory issues, and other health problems.

  • Simultaneously, the constant presence of moisture and mold growth attacks the wooden components of the roof structure. The wood absorbs the moisture, becoming soft and spongy, a condition known as wood rot. As the wood rot progresses, it weakens the roof's structural integrity, compromising its ability to support the weight of the building and withstand external forces. In severe cases, the weakened structure can lead to a partial or complete roof collapse, endangering lives and property.

  • Rectifying such extensive wood rot often necessitates a complete roof replacement over roof repair in OKC. The solutions can be attained with the help of commercial roofing This involves removing the damaged wooden elements, such as trusses and rafters, and replacing them with new & sound materials to ensure the roof's structural integrity and prevent future issues with commercial roofing services.

Ruined Insulation & Electric Shock Risks

  • Without commercial roofing solutions, roof leaks jeopardize the integrity and effectiveness of your building's insulation system. Insulation relies on tiny air pockets to trap heat and maintain temperature. When water seeps into the insulation, these air pockets collapse, rendering the material ineffective.

  • The compromised insulation leads to a substantial increase in energy consumption as the building struggles to maintain a comfortable temperature, resulting in skyrocketing energy bills. Excessive energy use often relies on fossil fuels, contributing to harmful emissions and accelerating climate change.

  • Moreover, water intrusion from roof leaks can create a dangerous situation when it encounters electrical wiring. Water is a conductor of electricity, and when it reaches live wires, it can trigger short circuits, electrical shocks, and even fires. Exposed wiring due to a leak further exacerbates the risk, increasing the likelihood of sparks and ignition, putting the entire building and its occupants in danger.

Dangerous Falls and Weakened Structures

Water from leaky roofs doesn't just stay on the roof. It seeps through ceilings and walls, pooling on floors and creating treacherous conditions for anyone inside. These slippery surfaces pose a severe hazard, leading to slips, falls, and injuries for both employees and tenants.

But the damage doesn't stop there. Water cascading down the exterior walls of a building due to inappropriate decisions on considering commercial roofing can infiltrate the foundation. Over time, this constant moisture weakens the foundation, causing cracks, shifts, and instability. Thus, ignoring these issues can result in extensive and costly repairs, as well as compromise the structural integrity of the entire building, putting everyone inside at risk.

Protect Your Business with Elliott Roofing

Are you worried about the risks and costs associated with a leaky commercial roof in OKC? Don't let small drips turn into major headaches. Contact Elliott Roofing today for comprehensive commercial roofing in OKC. Safeguard your investment & prevent costly damages with our expertise. Reach out to us to refrain from the hazards of leaky roofs soon!