What Should You Know About Metal and Slate Roofs?

Installing a long-lasting and better quality roof can protect the house better against natural disasters. Nowadays, both metal and slate roofs are some of the best quality roofs in the market. Not only that, if you install one of these roofing systems in your house, it will also increase the curb appeal. If you have any doubt about which one is better, then keep in mind that the selection of a roof depends upon various factors including weather conditions. You should also get advice from roofing companies.

Metal Roof

This type of roof is made of copper, zinc, aluminum, steel and titanium which are very long-lasting. There are various advantages of metal roofing such as:

●     Durable and Strong

Metal roofs can resist almost every weather condition. You may notice water leakage in most of the roofing systems, but as the metal roof cannot absorb the water, you cannot notice rust, mildew and mold. This type of roof can also resist high wind and if you wish, then install it with wind code reinforcement to increase the resistance power.

●     Installing Metal Roofs May Reduce Cost in the Long Run

Metal roof is less expensive compared to slate roofing. Keep in mind that the metal roof is lightweight and you can easily install it. Therefore, you don’t have to spend a good amount of money on the installation. You can also find a metal roof according to your budget because this type of roof comes in various materials.

Slate Roof

According to the research, slate roofs are considered the gold standard of the roofing system. This type of roof is made of stones derived from metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. There are also various benefits of slate roof including,

1.   Increase the Outer Look

As the slate roof looks very stylish, after installing it, you notice that the appearance of the house has completely changed. There are various sizes, color patterns and textures of the slate roof available in the market. After choosing the right one, you just have to hire a roofing contractor as soon as possible.

2.  Slate Roof Is Eco Friendly

There are various types of roofs that can be damaged after using them for years. Then you have to install a new roof and throw the old one to the dumpsite. Most of the roofs are harmful to our environment because they are made from non-biodegradable materials. But remember that the elements of a slate roof are natural stones. In addition, it can also last for more than 100 years. Even after replacing it with a new one, a slate roof has no harmful effect on the environment.

Call for Professionals

If you have any doubt regarding roofing installation, then you should contact Elliott Roofing in Tulsa, OK. The professionals will help you to find the roof based on your budget.