Storm Season Safety For Your Pets


Pet safety is a pretty important priority for Ellie and rest of the Elliott Roofing family. In Oklahoma, weather can change from calm to severe in what can feel like a split second. Mother Nature can easily put your animals at risk. Animals can get hurt, lost or displaced when a storm hits. This makes pet safety especially crucial during storm season in Oklahoma.

During severe storms and tornadoes, pets are often left behind in the chaos and confusion. If you’re serious about your pet’s safety, you should not only have a plan for yourself, you should have a plan for them, as well. Here are tips to help you create a plan to keep your furry friends safe when bad weather hits.

Be Aware

Knowing your pet, and the threats weather might pose, is half the battle. Be aware of the weather in your area. Stay up-to-date on your local forecast and be prepared to act accordingly to protect your pet if severe weather strikes. More than likely your pet has a favorite place to hide. Familiarize yourself with this location to better find them in the event of an emergency.

ID Your Pet

During severe storms, pets can often get lost. One easy way to avoid this is making sure your pet’s information is up-to-date, their collar is secure and in the best condition possible. Tags are cheap and are generally the most common way to help you find and identify your missing animal. In addition to including your phone number, you may also consider adding the number of a friend. This can come in handy in case you’ve had to evacuate and are separated from your pet.

While they are cheap, reliable and commonly used to find lost pets, collars and tags aren’t permanent. However, an option that is more permanent is microchipping. Embedding a microchip in your pet will allow them to be scanned at veterinary clinics, shelters, and pet stores. This process identifies the pet, as well as the pet’s owner. If you’ve microchipped your pet and changed addresses since the procedure, be sure and update all the necessary information to ensure you can be reunited with your furry loved one.  

Designate Shelter

If you have a storm shelter, great. If you don’t, you should be prepared beforehand and know where you’ll be safest during severe storms. The best places to take shelter include basements, bathrooms or small interior rooms of your home which contain as few windows as possible. Once you’ve selected your safe space, be sure and familiarize your pet with the area. The more comfortable your animal is in the space, the easier it will be to shelter them there during a storm. 

Prep a Pet Kit

Just as you should have a storm kit prepared for yourself in case of severe weather, so too should your pet. While you and your pet are in your shelter, these kits will help you safely wait out the weather. A proper pet kit can include a first aid kit for your pet, necessary medications, a leash, pet food and water, food and water bowls, litter, a litter tray, disposable bags, a blanket, your pet’s favorite toy, a hard-sided crate.  

Manage Pet Anxiety

Many pets struggle with anxiety. One of the most common sources for anxiety in pets is severe weather. If anxiety is something that your pet struggles with, you should consult a veterinarian. Ultimately, if your pet does require medication to cope with their anxiety, it’s a good rule of thumb to medicate them before a storm hits. This can help keep them from hurting themselves or putting themselves in danger in reaction to the weather. If you’re unsure about how your animal will react to its anxiety medication, you should give it a trial run before using the medicine during a storm.

In Oklahoma, severe weather can hit anytime and anywhere. So being prepared is crucial. Ellie and the Elliott Roofing team hope that you’ll use these tips to prepare yourself and keep your furry family members safe during storm season.

High Five2019