"ROOF ROOF” For Central Oklahoma Humane Society

The Elliott Roofing team has an intense desire to give back to the community in a meaningful and impactful way. Our company give-back initiative, “Everyone Deserves a Roof Over Their Head,” combined with our team’s love for animals guided Matt and Holly Case to create a relationship with the Central Oklahoma Humane Society. Every Wednesday, at least two of our team members spend a few hours of their workday volunteering with the animals and preparing them for adoption.

Recently, the Elliott Roofing team volunteered at the 2017 Annual Central Oklahoma Humane Society Hero Awards Gala. Those invited to attend the gala are donors, supporters and volunteers. This annual event serves as a fundraising opportunity and a “thank you” to those who have generously given their time, resources and money to help the Central Oklahoma Humane Society continue its efforts in promoting the well-being of animals and eliminating needless euthanasia of healthy, adoptable pets. It was an honor to be invited to the gala, and when our team was asked to volunteer, we jumped on the opportunity.

At the event, we sold raffle tickets to attendees. All of the proceeds from the raffle and the event go toward expanding the organization’s resources to continue rescuing and caring for more pets. In the effort of raising money, we turned selling raffle tickets into a competition among our team. Holly won by a landslide (no surprise to anyone that knows her).

Helping at the gala is only a small part of the work we’ve done with the Humane Society. Watch the video below to learn how you can donate your time and resources to help such a noble cause.


Wind Damage


Comparing Roofing Materials