Seven Most Common Roofing Problems in Oklahoma

There are many things that cause issues or damage to your roof, especially in Oklahoma, where we have an interesting combination of high winds, intense thunderstorms, and the occasional tornadoes every spring. Understanding and addressing the most common roofing problems is important to ensure the longevity of your investment. Preventative care is the main way to protect your roof and save you money in the long run. Here are some of the most common roofing problems Oklahomans face and what you can do to save your home.

  1. Roof Leaks – Since September is one of Oklahoma’s rainiest months, it’s no surprise that roof leaks are the most common problem. Leaks can occur due to flashing details that weren’t applied properly at installation, cracked shingles, or joints between the roofs which allow water to seep in. It’s important to catch this problem from the very beginning to avoid structural mold and mildew, which can cause serious health issues.

  2. Hail Damage – In addition to rain, Oklahoma also gets a fair amount of hail with our thunderstorms. The impact of hail can fracture or loosen the granules from your asphalt shingles. It can be easy for the untrained eye to misidentify natural weathering for hail damage, which is why it is important to call a professional inspector to come out and survey your damage right after the storm to file an insurance claim.

  3. Wind – We live in a state where the “wind comes sweeping down the plain”, which also means potential damage to your roof. Wind damage happens to be one of the leading causes of commercial and residential property damage. It can go largely unnoticed until a large mass of snow or ice causes the structure of the roof to weaken and fall through.

  4. Snow/Ice – If there is a heavy snow or ice storm during the winter months in Oklahoma, your roof may be in danger. Unless your roof already has prior damage, it should be able to hold 20 lbs per square foot of snow before the stress becomes too much. To prevent major damage, you can use a roof rake to pull the caked-on snow off of the roof. Never try to climb onto your roof after a snow / ice storm. The extra weight can be just enough to trigger a roof collapse and cause extended damage to yourself and your home.

  5. UV Rays – Depending on the type of roof on your home, the sun can cause a tremendous amount of damage, especially on asphalt shingles. Ultraviolet rays cause roofing materials to deteriorate over time, especially on sides facing the west or the south. This deterioration can eventually cause major leaks.

  6. Trees – Tree branches that are broken off in the Oklahoma wind can cause damage to your roof, especially when they are hanging over your house. When winds get up to 65 mph, they an cause falling branches to scratch and puncture the roofing materials. Your trees should be trimmed back as far as possible to prevent the wearing away of the protective top layer of your roof.

  7. Lack of Maintenance – When you don’t set a regular maintenance schedule for your roof, many minor problems you would otherwise catch may become bigger problems in the future. When you don’t take the time to clean backed-up gutters or check for damage after a significant storm, you run the risk of costing yourself more money by needing to get a whole new roof. You can extend the life of your roof by scheduling a regular roof inspection with qualified professionals. Contact us to make sure your roof gets the maintenance it needs to withstand the most common roofing problems in Oklahoma.


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